Monday 9 September 2013

7 Interesting Things You Did Not Know About Penile Extenders

All the times we hear these serious facts and figures describing what the enlargement devices are and how they work. Though we understand that enlargement is quite a serious topic, there is a completely different way to look at the issue. We have come up with some interesting things that you probably didn’t know about these devices.

  • The extenders are developed on the classic principle of traction. This is something that many cultures have used in the past. From hanging weights to pulling penis, people have always been using earlier forms of penis extenders.
  • The extenders use mitosis process to increase size. This is a natural biological process where cells are formed with distribution. Repeated traction aids in the process for desired results.
  • Although all devices on market use the same concept, they vary in many terms. Some believe in controlled starching while others use standard measures rather than letting users decide on it.
  • People might think of extenders as complex devices but they are constantly scoring higher than any other method. Being clinically tested, certified and studied for benefits and risks of side effects, extenders are more trustable than ever.
  • Criticizers say that cheap devices cause a lot of pain and strain but if you go with premium brands such as Phallosan Forte, they offer virtually painless use.
  • Some brands might say that 3-4 hours of usage is enough for desired results but it isn’t actually so. Traction has to be applied for over 6 years for any considerable benefits. Lesser use wouldn’t fetch anything.
  • Contrary to what some of the brands say, penile extenders in UK don’t need to be used with pills or creams. They offer independent usage so there is no point in paying for two different methods simultaneously.

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