Obsession with increased penis size isn’t new. Men have always wanted more inches in their manhood and this quest has taken them to try various different methods of enlargement. From enhancement surgery to penis enlargement products, there are many things that men try just to add few inches to their penis.
But, what most men forget to analyse is the impact a certain product or enlargement method is going to have on their penis health. You will be surprised to know but most of the popular enlargement methods are really dangerous for penis. They can cause permanent damage to the tissues, making you impotent.
Hence, it becomes essential to understand the impact of a procedure or product on your penis health before you jump the bandwagon. Most of the products and methods claim to be safe for penis, but the truth is far from this. One of the most popular methods, penis enhancement surgery, is really unsafe, with most men complaining about loss of sensitivity post operation.
Then comes exercises like jelqing. Although these are quite beneficial for enhancing sexual performance, if not done correctly, these can cause serious damage to the penis shaft. Same is the case if penis extenders, which if worn for too long, can leave your penis sore and red. The best and the safest way of enhancing penis is by using enlargement supplements. If you use natural supplements then there is no side-effect.
You can also consider using penis pumps like Bathmate Hercules for adding inches to your penis. These hydropumps are easy to use and completely safe. But remember, you should use them only once a day that too not for more than 15 minutes. Doing warm-up before using the pump is a good way to keep your penis safe from any kind of damage. Also make sure that you buy correct size of penis pump. There are many sizes available under the range and you must make sure that the device fits you well.
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