Chaps have you ever wondered why your wife or girlfriend moans about her 'short, stumpy' legs, when, from your vantage point, she looks like she's been blessed with a pair of pins that wouldn't look out of place on the catwalk? Chances are that's down to what's known in both fashion and psychology circles as the 'foreshortening effect'. Quite simply, this means that when you look directly down at something it looks shorter than it really is.
The very same effect could be the reason why you feel 'short changed' in the changing rooms. When faced with dozens of naked, often well-toned, individuals, many men worry that their penis is not just a little smaller than average, but so tiny that they're too ashamed to get changed or shower in front of others. Of course, many people are at least a little self-conscious when they have to strip off in front of others, even if - like in a gym or swimming pool changing room - nobody's really paying any attention. And it's fair to say that many guys do worry if they genuinely are 'too small'.
But again, while you will be sizing other men up from the front, you only really see yourself from up above, giving you a distorted image of reality and potentially feeding your anxieties. It's also worth remembering that there are a variety of reasons why you might 'shrink up' in the changing rooms.
For starters, if you're not wearing any clothes, the chances are you're going to be cold, meaning your penis and testicles contract so as to be as close as possible to your warm core to keep sperm at an optimum temperature. Then there's the fact that, if you've just been working out, your body will be directing blood towards your leg or arm muscles, rather than towards your groin area.
Anxiety can also make things even worse as your body's natural response to fear and nervousness is to prepare itself to fight or run away - again, meaning blood is directed towards the muscles and away from your sex organs. So, if you're one of the many men who are wary of stripping off in front of others, just remember that, chances are, your penis isn't anywhere near as small as you think it is - and even if it is below average size then, frankly, nobody cares. In other case if you really want a large penis, get Vimax in UK and pop them twice a day.
Indeed, adopting such a casual attitude to stripping off in a public changing room can actually help you out, letting you hang that little bit looser and allowing the blood to flow evenly around the body rather than running away from your nether regions. However, if you genuinely can't break the vicious cycle that dictates the more you worry about the size of your penis, the smaller it actually gets - and if you feel you can't overcome your anxieties - then remember it's in no way obligatory to show your tackle in the changing rooms and there is always a supplement store that can help you. So, duck into a cubicle or discretely cover yourself up with a towel. After all, among strangers, nobody's really looking anyway.
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